It is time to Emerge with Darrin…Reveal your bare arms for summertime!
Darrin says…no excuse for flabby arms and shoulders for summer. If you don’t belong to a gym or own any weights, not to worry here’s an alternative that really works! 3 easy steps to supreme shoulders just in time for the halter dress! And for you guys out there get those delts going, nothing sexier than strong, shapely arms!
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For a complete progress report on our journey please go to the bottom of this article.
With Darrin Robinson Day #1 Training begins! Our 90 day transformation.Check out the H2O in our signature wine glasses!
We love our job as “The Wine Ladies” and appreciate every day and all that it brings. Fabulous, entertaining and interesting people and places, incredible wines and spirits and delicious and diverse foods from around the world…. all make up our daily diet for life!
Yes, we know… it’s a tough life…. but believe it or not, this amazing lifestyle definitely has a few major challenges too!
The major snag in all of this is…. the challenge to maintain a healthy balance, an abundance of energy and a healthy body! A fit strong body with enough lean body mass to allow us to indulge in all of the above.
The last couple of years have definitely become more of a struggle. We recognized that we needed to take some kind of action but what? And that’s where Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training comes in… and so does super personal trainer/nutritionist and author/ Darrin Robinson.
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A quick visit to his studio, a thirty minute chat and learning Darrin’s philosophy that we “can bid adieu to our treadmill and stair master”…is all we needed. “We are in, when do we get started?”
Oh and the testimonials and before and after posters of a few of his clients…. well those helped too.
Our individual food plan… key is planning ahead!
In a nutshell, Darrin says “the goal is to achieve a certain level of fitness, a reasonable percentage of lean body mass that will allow you to indulge guilt-free, in whatever strikes your fancy whether it be in a glass or on a plate… or both!
It has been two weeks since we had our preliminary consult with “kick-@#5$* Darrin. Our goals are a little different but the journey is the same.
My goal, Georgia is to rid myself of these skinny legs and put on some serious muscle!
I’ve been on an extended hiatus from working out and its definitely time to hit the weights… “not the treadmill or the bike “ says Darrin, but weights… that’s what you need to achieve a place of fitness and body composition that will allow you to enjoy those amazing foods and wines guilt FREE! Really? Guilt FREE?
As for me, Susanne, I am ready to be the best that I can be. Super strong, fit and looking FF (#oxo%%4* FABULOUS!!!).
To be able to slip on an outfit and it looks just right. No fuss, no bother. Confident everytime. My goal is to be at about 15-20% body fat! Hey I might even apply for a Fitness Model competition too. Lets see where this adventure takes me.
Be sure to look for our weekly posts of “Darrin says”, little golden nuggets of knowledge that will help us in our quest to meet our goals”
1.Darrin says…. too often we think about sacrificing certain foods when trying to get get fit or lose a few pounds… why not think about what your fit body is sacrificing to eat those foods instead?
2. Darrin says…. Eat frequently….
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3.Darrin says…. Post workout shakes. It’s very important to feed your muscles within an hour after finishing your workout.You require a quickly absorbed protein and quickly absorbed high GI simple carb. At Emerge each client is given a custom post workout shake with whey protein and a dextrose based carb source to ensure rapid recover for our client’s muscles.Stay tuned for our progress results o Monday Nov 25th, 2013!
It is important to eat frequently, but not too frequently! Six meals a day is the way to go, eating every 21/2 – 3 hours. More often than and your body will never get the chance to tap into your “reserve tank”. Why is this important? Think of what you eat as going into two tanks… in the first tank the calories are used for your dietary needs/calories, while in the second your “reserve tank” these calories are storing fat. If you continuously are dumping calories in your dietary tank, your body will never get an opportunity to tap into the “reserve tank” and use up those calories that are storing fat. Bottom line, eat often, not too often, use up the appropriate calories from both tanks for optimal fat burning, weight loss and overall health fitness
Darrin you see has the formula, once you reach a certain level/degree of fitness many of those calories get cheated, they have very little affect on your body, because your body is equipped to metabolize, metabolize, metabolize! We still have to be reasonable, although “The Wine Lady” reasonable might be slightly skewed, if you get our drift!
Darrin has so much valuable info to share, we really would like to share some of his tips with you. This guy rocks! Every week we will share a little bit of our journey with you as we strive to each of our individual goals! We have our eyes on the prize…
We don’t mind sharing…. if you would like to book a consultation with Darrin contact him directly.
November 11th, 2013; 1st Progress Report.
Two weeks into our Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness program with Darrin, our stories are not alike…
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For me, Georgia… my first progress today report put a smile on my face! With a little increase in muscle and a reduction of fat! Darrin is pleased, but with slight reservation! Darrin says… the goal was not necessarily to lose pounds (which I did, unceremoniously) but to gain lean body mass and reduce my percentage body fat. Although I did that too, almost a full pound of muscle, Darrin says “if you are not consuming your quota of good fats and carbs accordingly, your results will be slower and/or compromised”. My mandate this week, to pay more attention to consuming the required healthy fat quota of the program, incorporating the 3-6-9- essential fatty acids, easily done when the Omega 3-6-9- oil is used for salads, veggies etc). “Make sure you eat those calories Georgia, as dictated in your tailor-made individual program”. Seven days from now, the callipers will make a comeback. I am feeling good! Stay tuned… will the scale tip downward to Darrin’s chagrin or will the “skinny-#$%$# arms and legs gain some strength and tonality? I will do my part, hopefully the body parts will cooperate.
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Now as for me, Susanne… to be truthful I was a little bit disappointed in my results INITIALLY…I am still stuck on the master in the bathroom the bleep bleep bleep scale… I only lost 1 lb in 2 weeks! With years of yo yo dieting my metabolism is a lot slower than my sister Georgia who lost 3lbs!!!! But all is not lost, the good news is I also put on 2 lbs of muscle. This will help speed up the metabolism .
To be truthful on this plan I am not hungry at all and was skipping a few of the protein drinks and some of the 6 mini meals required every day. A big no no… so this week I will be much more diligent with the food plan. The good news is I can already fit into my leather pants that have been way toooooo small for many years. Just in time to, because leather pants are back in style!

And lets not even go to the other long, thin extremities, my arms!
Alas, four weeks into working at Emerge, I feel like I am beginning to Emerge! I have gained 2 pounds of lean body mass and am leg pressing 360 pounds! Wahoo! And my skinny arms… well lets just say I got quite a few compliments on a “small bulging bicep at a recent event!
Thanks Darrin, I am slowly starting to feel a little like my old self again… and who knows the way things are going I may not need that second surgury on the other knee. Fingers crossed! .. legs and toes!

For me Susanne….How does one measure happiness? One of the ways is by going through your closet and trying on things that have been gathering dust for quite some time. Trying them on
and lo and behold they fit! This has been my delightful experience this past week.
Just 3 weeks and 3 days into my physical transformation I am down 8.5 lbs of fat and up 5lbs of lean muscle mass! It truly is incredible.
I have been dedicated to the cause and have my eyes on the prize… wearing a bikini in Barbados in early January. Its been a few years to be sure! I’ll even post a picture lol. The workouts and the food plan have been great. My only real challenge has been the omission of wine from my diet for NOW only… soon to be reintroduced once I have achieved my goals
Here Darrin uses calipers on 4 body areas to measure my results! Darrin thank you for your encouragement, friendship, sense of humour and giving me this
wonderful gift!

We are off to Barbados in January to shoot another episode of The Wine Ladies TV and I know I will be proud to walk the beach!

So Darrin says… absolutely! Here are a few tricks of the trade that will allow you to indulge (without going crazy ladies) while still keeping the waistline in check!
Tip #1 If you know you are in for an indulgent evening ahead, plan ahead and cut back on the carbs and the fats thoughout the day. Stick with lean protein choices and plenty of veggies and salad to fill you up..
Tip #2 Stay hydrated before, during and post party time.
Tip #3 Decide ahead of time what your goal is for the holiday season. Do I want to maintain the momentum of losing fat and gaining muscle? Or, do I simply want to maintain my present weight/body composition throughout the holidays and resume my program in the new year? Or do I want to say to heck with it, I am going to enjoy myself, not deny myself (within reason hopefully) and get back on the program in the new year, even if that means taking a few backward steps and re-losing the 4-5 pounds you previously lost. Everybody is different, depending on where you are at this moment any one of the three choices might work for you, but the idea is choose where you are at, and embrace it. Making that mental decision alone will go a long way in your enjoyment of the holiday season. Any if you elect to take option #3, no guilt necessary, enjoy and pick up where you left off… you will get there
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
Finally the sunshine…and it’s time to bare those arms… alas a little loose perhaps after hibernating under sleeves all winter? Lose the flab fast with this tip from Trainer Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle. Here’s “Darrin’s says…
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