Newest winery…. Red Tail Vineyard opens in Prince Edward County

We were joined in studio June 20th with the founders, husband and wife team Gilbert Provost and Pauline Jolcey of Prince Edward County’s newest winery, Red Tail Vineyard. Red Tail is one of the new “garagiste wineries”, organic in the vineyards and poised to continue to transform the county.

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Red blotches be gone!

Dear Wine Ladies,

I’d appreciate if you could recommend a product that instantly removes red wine stain off my shirt and tie. I’ve tried several that claim to do this, but haven’t had much luck in finding one that really works.

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Radio Show Update June 20th, 2009

Set that dial to CP24 Radio 1050 ( 1050 am radio dial) or on line at www.CP24 .com every Saturday morning at 10a.m. to connect with The Wine Ladies radio show.

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You’ve Found It! – Radio That Doesn’t

Introducing an on line radio station that provides you with diverse, exciting programming on demand…. 24/7!

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Radio Show Update June 13th, 2009

Set that dial to CP24 Radio1050 ( 1050 am dial) or on line at every Saturday morning, at 10a.m. to connect with The Wine Ladies radio show.

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Toronto Wine and Spirit Festival June 19th and 20th

Come and celebrate the kick-off to summer at the Toronto Wine and Spirit Festival; Toronto’s first OUTDOOR wine and spirit show!

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Twenty Valley Niagara Country Run

Burn off the wine calories! Join us for the Twenty Valley Niagara Country Run.

Twenty Valley Niagara Country Run

Twenty Valley Niagara Country Run

Dear Wine Ladies,

I have always been a great fan of Canadian wines and committed to burning off those Cabernet calories by taking in an extensive run a couple of times a week. Listening to your radio show last Saturday I was thrilled to learn about the Twenty Valley Niagara Country Run taking place in mid June. Is this run similar to the famous annual Medoc Marathon that takes place in Bordeaux? Could you please share a few of the details of the run with your readers? It truly sounds like an incredible weekend offering the perfect blend of great wine, food, and a little competition!


Ottawa, Ontario

Ask The Wine Ladies

Ask The Wine Ladies- Please submit your questions to


Dear Rob,

We too are thrilled about this inaugural run, which is indeed modeled after the Medoc Marathon as well as other runs in California and Australia. Approximately 2000 runners, from elite athletes to competitive runners to casual walkers will all have one thing in common, the opportunity to sample wonderful, premium wines from 13 wineries in the Twenty Valley region. The weekend promises to be a celebration of great food, great wines and entertainment for the whole family. Similar in spirit to the Medoc Marathon, runners are being encouraged to arrive in costume adding to the fun, face painting, music, an all day barbeque and wine tours will also be part of this celebration and healthy competition. The Twenty Valley Niagara Wine Country Run has something for everyone, whether you’re in tip-top shape and ready for the Half Marathon or just in the mood for an easy 4K stroll, through the vineyards.

Already, with still two weeks to go, (June 13th and 14th) the run is poised to be a huge success, an historical wine event for Canada with over 1,500 runners signed up from across the country and the United States. For more details or to register

The Wine Ladies visit the lair of the Dragon’s Den!

Well we finally made it to the top! Well by that we mean the 10th floor at the CBC studios here in Toronto! That’s the spot where the fierce dragons reside from the fabulous CBC hit series ! Dragon’s Den!

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Woman’s Post Courage to Lead event welcomes heat of the “Dragon’s Den”

When we heard that Tsufit our first business coach was going to be speaking at the “Woman’s Post Courage to Lead” seminar we thought we simply had to go catch up and make sure to get a personally autographed copy of her fantastic new book!.

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My wine is cooked!

Dear Wine Ladies,

What does it mean when one says a wine tastes maderized?

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