Michael Williams former MuchMusic veejay lover of wine, food and music. Sweet

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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SWAG at The Windsor Arms Hotel is IT for celebrities helping charity at TIFF

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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Death Row Records CEO talks upcoming movie “Sons 2 The Grave” with The Wine Ladies

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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Jasper Graham with The Wine Ladies, Talking Wine With The Stars

Dashing actor, writer and producer Jasper Graham enjoys Jackson Triggs Sauvignon Blanc, The Wine Ladies TV

Jasper Graham with The Wine Ladies, Talking Wine With The Stars

Jasper Graham with The Wine Ladies, Talking Wine With The Stars

Next we were joined on the couch by the multi talented dashing young man Jasper Graham complete with a charming English accent. Not only is Jasper a successful writer and actor but he will be producing a new film Keep Coming Back with award winning actor, director William H Macy in January 2010.

Keep Coming Back is about a young man living a sheltered life who develops a crush on a stripper and joins her Alcoholics Anonymous group just so he can be in the same room with her. Wearing many creative hats all at once Jasper is currently writing his second feature-length script “Brother Haunted”, a black comedy one of his favorite genre. We sipped on a crisp glass of Jackson-Triggs Sauvignon Blanc as we spoke about the challenges and rewards of his work .

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

Georgia and Susanne (The Wine Ladies) set up their temporary TV studio at The Windsor Arms, 18 St. Thomas

Street in Yorkville – ground zero for the film festival – and have conducted brief interviews with the stars, filmmakers, writers, international VIPs and media representatives discussing favourite wines, what wines go with which movies at this years’ festival, favourite movies about wine (e.g.: Bottle Shock, Sideways, A Walk in the Clouds, Under the Tuscan Sun) – the ultimate in wine TV! Celebrity guests are invited to enjoy a glass of wine with The Wine Ladies.

View highlights with Jasper Graham here.

Alice Cooper, rock n roll, vampire spoof movie SUCK with lead guitarist Paul Anthony loves red!

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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Chad Willet from COLE charms The Wine Ladies with passion for his film and Canadian wine!

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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The Global Poverty Project:1.4 Billion Reason-The Wine Ladies with Chris Adams

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web

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ORLENA CAIN of Sugarcain Entertainment joins The Wine Ladies for a chat.

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

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Talking Wine With The Stars, Cheryl Tiegs

CHERYL TIEGS world’s 1st supermodel visited Talking Wine with the Stars!

Each year, the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) draws thousands of international filmmakers, stars and media to Toronto and for this years festival (Sept. 10-19), The Wine Ladies are entering the exciting world of web TV.

We are conducting brief interviews with the stars, film makers, writers, international VIPs and media representatives discussing favourite wines, what wines go with which movies at this, this year’s festival, favourite movies about wine (e.g.: Bottle Shock, Sideways, and A Walk in the Clouds, Under the Tuscan Sun) – the ultimate in wine TV! Celebrity guests are invited to enjoy a glass of wine with The Wine Ladies while relaxing in one of Toronto’s premiere hotels and official host venues for the Toronto Intl Film Festival.

CHERYL TIEGS the world’s 1st supermodel visited Talking Wine with the Stars! She rocked the interview with The Wine Ladies. CHERYL TIEGS is as beautiful inside as out!

Check out the highlights from the interview here!

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Billie Dee Williams August 28th,2009

Billie Dee Williams, Lando Calrissian Art Showing, Toronto, The Wine Ladies TV