Want whiter, healthier looking teeth! Dr. Bruce Gardner of the Gardner Dental Group shares on The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast.

Dr. Bruce Gardner

Dr. Bruce Gardner

 Dr. Bruce Gardner of Dental Gardner Group  joins us next. Dr. Gardner takes care of The Wine Ladies, and our smiles. No red wine stains on our pearly whites. Dr. Gardner is to share with us the importance of dental care as it also relates to anti-aging!

Listen to Dr. Bruce Gardner at 26:50 minutes in the show.

Gardner Dental Group

Gardner Dental Group

With a convenient location in Burlington Mall

777 Guelph Line, Suite 213,
Burlington, ON, L7R 3N2


On this week’s Audio Podcast…

The Best Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed.
The Wine Ladies Ask The Experts.

The focus…Our bodies, our mind, our health, staying vibrant and youthful no matter the chronological age with tips from three very special guests.


Is wine is good for your teeth?

Red wine has previously been linked to a range of supposed health benefits, from helping the heart to lowering the risk of diabetes.

Now a new study suggests it contains chemicals that can help in the fight against tooth decay and gum disease.

Researchers found compounds from the drink, known as polyphenols, helped fend off harmful bacteria in the mouth.Previous studies have suggested that the health benefits of polyphenols are linked to them being antioxidants that protect the body from harmful free radicals.However, recent studies have indicated that polyphenols might also boost health by working with “good bacteria” in our gut.

Scientists looked into whether wine polyphenols might also be good for oral health.

Researchers compared the effects of two polyphenols from red wine against grape seed and red wine extract supplements on bacteria that stick to teeth and gums and cause dental plaque, cavities and gum disease. They found the wine polyphenols and extracts all reduced the bacteria’s ability to stick to the cells, but the polyphenols – caffeic and p-coumaric acids – were more effective. When combined with the Streptococcus dentisani – believed to be an oral probiotic, which stimulates the growth of good bacteria – the polyphenols were even better at inhibiting the pathogenic bacteria.

The findings, they said, could ultimately lead to new dental treatments.

Gardner Dental Group

Gardner Dental Group

One of the biggest concerns is to have a beautiful bright white smile.

Why not brighten your smile with Teeth ZOOM Whitening in Burlington?

ZOOM Teeth Whitening

ZOOM Teeth Whitening


Audio Podcast Anti-aging Show 05 21 2018 AD

Coming up next on The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast…The Best Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed. The Wine Ladies Ask The Experts.


TODAY on The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast…The Best Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed. The Wine Ladies Ask The Experts.

Irene Hogan book launch party at Shawn and Ed Brewing Co.

Irene Hogan book launch party at Shawn and Ed Brewing Co.

TODAY On The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast… 

The Best Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed. The Wine Ladies Ask The Experts.


Our focus; Our bodies, our mind, our health, staying vibrant and youthful no matter the chronological age with tips from three very special guests.

Follow us here so you don’t miss it!

Irene Hogan Book Cover photo

Irene Hogan

We’ll kick off the show with Irene Hogan, The Menopause Expert, and author of Hot Chixs Hot Sex.

Listen to Irene Hogan at 3:43 minutes in the show.

A respected and renowned professional in her field Irene has been helping women through menopause through her consulting, drug reviews, weight management and more. From Hormome Hell to Hormone Heaven! 

Hot Chixs Hot Sex

Hot Chixs Hot Sex

Irene is launching her new  book at a fundraiser on June 20th and will be held at the Shawn and Ed Brewing Company in Dundas. Irene to talk about surviving menopause, not only surviving but embracing. We can’t wait to hear what Irene has to share.

We invite you to join us June 20th, 2018 for the official Book Launch Gala & Fundraiser.

Date: Jan 20th, 2018

Time: 7;00pm -9:00pm

Location: Shawn and Ed Brewing Co. 65 Hatt Street, Dundas, Ontario L9H 0C1

Click here to get your COMPLIMENTARY ticket or email irene@hotchixhotsex.com

Ed Madronich Flat Rock Cellars

Ed Madronich Flat Rock Cellars

  In our second segment we’ll be chatting with one of the Founders of Shawn and Ed Brewing Co, Ed Madronich.

Listen to Ed Madronich at 14:31 minutes in the show.

Shawn and Ed Brewing Co Logo

Shawn and Ed Brewing Co


Ed will also fill us in on some of the latest research on the many health benefits of red wine, and acquaint us a little more with Flat Rock Cellars located on the Jordan Bench of the Niagara Escarpment.

Shawn and Ed Brewing Co Beers

Shawn and Ed Brewing Co Beers

Flat Rock Cellars Logo

Flat Rock Cellars Logo

Flat Rock Cellars

Flat Rock Cellars

Gardner Dental Group

Gardner Dental Group

Finally who would have thought but it ‘s true, Dental Work is emerging as a New Anti-aging procedure.

Dr. Bruce Gardner

Dr. Bruce Gardner

We’ll  speak to Dr. Bruce Gardner of Gardner Dental Group, who will give you something to smile about! How do teeth affect overall facial structure, particularly when it comes to aging?  And of course who doesn’t love a bright white smile? Dr. Gardner on achieving that brighter smile at home and how your general health is related to your dental. Fascinating info here today on the show.

Listen to Dr. Bruce Gardner at 26:50 minutes in the show.




Audio Podcast Anti-aging Show 05 21 2018 AD

Meet Irene Hogan, The Menopause Expert, Author Hot Chix Hot Sex…On this week’s audio podcast.

On this week’s audio podcast…Meet Ed Madronich, Shawn and Ed Brewing Co. and Flat Rock Cellars

Want whiter, healthier looking teeth! Dr. Bruce Gardner Gardner of the Dental Group shares on The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast.

Coming Up Next On The Wine Ladies Audio Podcast.International Sauvignon Blanc Day May 4th, 2018, #SauvBlancDa

JUNO Cup, Jon Gallant and Mark Napier

JUNO Cup Rockers trade in their microphones for hockey sticks!

JUNO Cup Rockers trade in their microphones for hockey sticks!

JUNO Cup, The Rockers vs. The NHL Great, Jim Cuddy and Mark Napier.

JUNO Cup, The Rockers vs. The NHL Greats, Jim Cuddy and Mark Napier.

The Wine Ladies TV interviews with Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy, Billy Talent’s Jon Gallant and Sarah Harmer and NHL Great Mark Napier.

First published Feb 11, 2011.

With less than two months to get ready for Juno Cup, presented by The Keg Steakhouse & Bar, Canada’s fearless musicians traded in their microphones for hockey sticks and sized up the competition.

Some of the NHL’s greatest players during the first-ever training camp that was held at the Ricoh Coliseum.

We were thrilled to be invited to witness some practice drills last week. The 8th annual Juno Cup will be held On Friday, March 25th where proceeds benefit MusiCounts for music programs across Canada.

Additional players for The Rockers and NHL Greats will be announced soon.

Check out our interviews with The Rockers Jim Cuddy: Jon Gallant: Sarah Harmer: and NHL Great Mark Napier. Highlights of the day here.

The Rockers Team:

Blue Rodeo's Jim Cuddy at the Juno Cup drills with Georgia, The Wine lLadies TV.

Blue Rodeo’s Jim Cuddy at the JUNO Cup drills with Georgia, The Wine Ladies TV.

Jim Cuddy 11-time JUNO Award winner with Blue Rodeo.

In 2016 we met up with Jim once more.Tawse Winery Summer Solstice Concert interview June 18th, 2016 with Jim Cuddy and The Wine Ladies TV

Andrew Scott and Chris Murphy Members of the JUNO Award-winning group, Sloan.

Juno Cup, Billy Talent, Jon Gallant, Susanne, The Wine Ladies TV

JUNO Cup drills, Billy Talent, Jon Gallant, Susanne, The Wine Ladies TV

Jon Gallant Seven-time JUNO Award winner with Billy Talent.

Peter Kesper Two-time JUNO Award nominee with NQ Arbuckle (in goal)

JUNO Cup drills, Juno Nominee Sarah Hammer, The Wine Ladies TV

JUNO Cup drills, Juno Nominee Sarah Harmer, The Wine Ladies TV

Sarah Harmer 2011 JUNO Award nominee

The NHL Greats:

Gary Roberts 89 Stanley Cup winner with Calgary Flames, and former Toronto Maple Leaf.

Gary Leeman 93 Stanley Cup winner with the Habs, and former Leaf.

JUNO Cup drills, NHL Mark Napier, Georgia, The Wine Ladies TV

JUNO Cup drills, NHL Mark Napier, Georgia, The Wine Ladies TV

Mark Napier Two-time Stanley Cup winner (Montreal and Edmonton)

Paul Coffey Hockey Hall of Fame, 2004.

Brad Dalgarno NY Islander’s first round pick and seven-season veteran.

Juno Cup will take place Friday, March 25, 7:30 pm at Ricoh Coliseum.

2018 JUNO Cup

This years’s JUNO Cup is being held March 23 in Burnaby BC. Jim Cuddy is back again on The Rockers team!

JUNO Cup tickets are available at Ticketmaster. Individual tickets to JUNO Cup are priced at $20 + fees.

Please note, $15 tickets (plus fees) are available when purchasing 10 or more, with all proceeds benefiting MusiCounts.

Diets Don’t Work! Fads WON’T Work! Non-Food NEEDS to go! Calories DON’T count! Weight DOESN’T matter!


New Life Hiking Spa’s 40 Years of Authentic Wellness

now available on AMAZON and Balboa Press! Purchase on line here now.

Product Description

“In the Green Mountains of Central Vermont is the New Life Hiking Spa, owned and operated by Jimmy LeSage for forty consecutive years. New Life is a program that helps guests awaken themselves to the power of nutrition and fitness. New Life is Jimmy’s forum for including guests on his four-decade journey to authentic wellness. Jimmy shares that journey’s wisdom by assisting guests to translate their New Life experience into their own lifestyle upon return home. Jimmy’s own journey and the impressive body-spirit changes in New Life guests give Jimmy much of relevance to impart about our prospects for well-being as we consider our lifestyle and relationship with food.

Health, fitness, wellness, and quality of life have become such big news that any reasonable understanding is not only confusing. It is downright difficult. At New Life, and now in this presentation, Jimmy travels with you to assure that you will differentiate meaningfully between passing fads and noteworthy trends in wellness.

Jimmy’s journey merits your attention because it, like the well-being it speaks of, is very personal and authentic. We may find that New Life is so personal for Jimmy that it came to pass as much for himself as for all who have or ever will come. New Life has become a laboratory that has endowed Jimmy with a commitment to the healing power of good food and a bit of activity.

Jimmy has transformed New Life into an incubator for practical steps out of the confusion and complication in the bottom-line requirement for existence: food. Jimmy earns your attention because the journey on which he invites you has prepared him thoroughly to inspire you to initiate changes in your own food behaviors.”

Jimmy Lesage, Founder and Director of The New Life Hiking Spa, celebrating its 40th anniversary.

Jimmy to talk about the hiking, the area and good healthy eating. He also debunks some of the old adages about diets out there.

      Diets Don’t Work! Fads WON’T Work! Non-Food NEEDS to go! Calories DON’T count! Weight DOESN’T matter!

Listen to Jimmy Lesage at 3:41 minutes into the radio show.

On this week’s radio show…Vermont…. its vino and stunning heart healthy hiking! New Life Hiking Spa’s 40 years of Authentic Wellness.

Amazing Race Canada Audition Tape

The Wine Ladies Audition For Amazing Race Canada

Amazing Race Canada Audition

Amazing Race Canada Audition

We auditioned for the show, Amazing Race Canada and got really far in the process.

But alas won’t be there to race to the finish line! Please enjoy our audition tape! We had fun making it! Boo Hoo! Do you think we would have been a ok on the show???

The Amazing Race Canada is a reality television competition series that features teams in a grueling race across Canada and the world. The Race is divided into a series of legs and on each leg; teams strive to reach the Pit Stop where they are greeted by the host, Jon Montgomery. During each leg teams receive destination clues and challenges to complete in order to move onto the next task. The first team to cross the finish line wins $500,000 in cash and prizes. This prize is the largest grand prize ever awarded for a Canadian competition series. Commissioned by CTV, The Amazing Race Canada is produced by Insight Productions in association with Bell Media and with the support of Profiles Television.

Amazing Race Canada Audition Tape

The Wine Ladies Audition Tape

Hiking and Fitness Adventure Desert Cliffs Fitness Spa in Utah

The secret ingredients to Reverse Aging.The magic bullet, a certain mushroom? Reverse Aging Clinic.

Danuta Domurad, founder Reverse Aging Clinic.

Danuta Domurad, founder Reverse Aging Clinic.

From Ground To Cup.

What makes Organo Gold products so special?

A little-known ingredient known as Ganoderma. Here’s the story behind this miraculous ingredient, and the mushroom from whence it came…

Coffee parallels with wine in its health benefits, such as protecting ones heart.

 Next up, as wine lovers we often talk about the health benefits of wine. There are  other lifestyle products with similar health benefits and more than once we’ve brought up the subject of coffee. Its parallels with wine as well as some of its health benefits, such as protecting ones heart.

So with our next guest Danuta Domurad, we’ll chat about the health benefits of coffee and tea but not in the way you would expect. Nobel Prize winner in Medicine Dr. Otto Warburg is credited with this discovery.

Fascinating info ahead all this to come with Danuta, who is the founder of her Reverse Aging Clinic. Also with a focus on this “magic bullet…if you will which comes from from a certain mushroom! Now, do we have your attention?

On this week’s radio show…

Discover Washington wines. Make your own wine in time for the holidays. Discover the secret anti aging ingredient and Canada’s most southerly wine region Pelee Island and Pelee Island Winery.

Episode 33

Listen to Danuta Domurad at 46:17 minutes into the show

What are the 3 most important things to keep our body healthy? 

 Alkalinity, detoxing and emotional balance.

 Reverse Aging Clinic takes care of all of them and much more. We offer sophisticated solutions to evaluate your body at the cellular and energy level. We address the issues and the causes of it by finding the source of the issue and we effectively provide solutions that suit each individual.

 Our Quantum Biofeedback Therapy reads the body’s biorhythms then provides feedback to the therapist who can analyze the data. It also provides feedback signals to the body that will bring it back into optimum balance. With the quantum approach we help to release stress, phobia, anxiety, depression, addictions, infections and much more.

We can REVERSE the process of aging. Loving, accepting and forgiving yourself and others is the key to heal.

Natural solutions starting from ion therapy are used in lymphatic pressure massage and reflexology. Our pulsed electromagnetic field technology improves absorption of oxygen and nutrients and allows the cells to function properly. We offer colloidal clay baths to release toxins, pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and more. Our open system Colon Hydrotherapy is a state-of-the-art technology which allows to clean the colon properly. Eliminating acidic food like red meat, dairy, genetically modified grains, alcohol and regular coffee is key. Some of the products that we offer to alkalize your system are our 9.5 pH Kangen water, wheat grass juice and organic Ganoderma Lucidum. Our first grade essential oil product line can replace your household cleaners. We also offer Raindrop Therapies with Essential Oils, Tibetan massage, and sweatonic slimming body wraps. Electro Interstitial Scan (EIS) will be your first step to provide a base line for all our therapies and supplementation. It is a biosensor that measures bio-impedance of the interstitial fluids in the body and is non-invasive.

Start your path to wellness at Reverse Aging Clinic. We offer a membership program and accept extended health benefits. Come and visit us at 2065 Dundas Street East, Unit 101, Mississauga or visit us online at www.reverseagingclinic.ca.

Reverse Aging Clinic

Reverse Aging Clinic

Reverse Aging Clinic

Reverse Aging Clinic

For centuries, Ganoderma Lucidum has been renowned as the “King of Herbs”.

Ganoderma is a product of Reishi mushroom and it has powerful properties. It is an anti-allergen, antioxidant, cardiovascular, immune-modulating, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, inhibition of platelet aggregation, prevention of bronchitis, antiviral, anti-diabetic, and kidney and nerve tonic. It also balances the pH levels in the body and has a regenerating effects on the skin.

TOP 3 Tips to survive the holidays! The Wine Ladies Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions and the year in review!

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions

WE want to share with you our Top 10 New year’s Resolutions. So today we thought  we would share with you snippets of a few select interviews we’ve done over the year, a few of our faves and a few that all have one thing in common… and that is offering up specific tips we can all use this holiday season.On everything from how best to cook the big bird,to selecting great value wines, to your spirit of choice and even terrific holiday fashions.
We’re bringing back Chopped Canada winner Chef JohnRoss Woodland for his tips on holiday entertaining, world renown wine journalist Jancis Robinson from the United Kingdom,Jancis talks about wine scores, should we chase these wines, yes or no? Sam Heitner from the Champagne Bureau in Chicago on bubbly…

 Bill Redelmeirer of Southbrook Vineyards here in NOTL,trending now biodynamic wineries, what does that mean?….his was the 1st to be certified in Canada, and finally, last but not least, if you have a penchant for delish premium vodka,Crystal Head, love the blues, great comedy and the movies Ghost Busters, be sure to stay tuned and be entertained once again by our very own Dan Aykroyd.


BRAND NEW SHOWS every Monday at 10:00 am and Wednesday at 2:00 pmor listen ON DEMAND on line anytime.

Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness

Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness

Personal trainer & nutrition expert Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness shares his
TOP 3 Tips to survive the holidays!

#1 TIP  Pick and choose your food and dining battles!
#2 TIP  Eat more of low impact food and only taste the richer foods!
#3 TIP Reduce your carbohydrate  intake loading up to and Christmas Day!

To learn more tune into this week’s radio show.

Also on the show today, before we get to those brief interview segments…. getting through the holidays leading up to New Years Eve…will that special dress still fit! Or for the guys, will your shirt button… button?  Our fitness guru, personal trainer Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle & Fitness Training will join u and shares his  “3 basic tips/tricks to make sure that it does

Top 10 New Year's Resolutions.

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions.

Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions

1) We will, no matter how painful or arduous, dedicate ourselves to

fulfilling our doctor’s orders of having one glass of red wine per day…
Got to keep the ticker healthy!

2) We promise to never drink any wine before its time!

3) Our new found love for hiking will continue with a promise to scale
another peak, another mountain. Macchu Pichu this year, Angels Landing before… whats next?  Mount Everest,Mount Kilimanjaro anyone?

4) YES!!! Yet another reason to continue to enjoy our red wine! Keep the
Pinot Noir coming, one of the top grapes for “resveratrol” composition!

A glass of red will give you about 640 mg of resveratrol. Resveratrol is a
naturally occurring antioxidant found in the skin of red grapes. Research
has shown that resveratrol can reduce or slow down certain signs of aging.

Let’s pull a Jack Benny, 39 AGAIN! Fill her up… Actually not quite, leave
enough room to swirl, about 1/6 to 1/4 the volume of the glass, depending on
the size of the glass.Swirl,sniff and savour!

5) Discover a new wine, a new grape or a new region at least once a week and
tweet to our friends.

6) Write a book…

7) Continue to explore organic and biodynamic local wines to help reduce our carbon

8) We love connecting with fellow wine lovers, enthusiasts and wine novices
around the world, our goal is to try to bring the world of wine together,
one person at a time, one tweet at a time, one sip at a time!

9) This year be a part of the annual Beaujolais Race! We’re working on it…

10) And finally for the Top Ten’s #1 New Year’s Resolution….we promise to
continue to spread our playful approach and wine tasting philosophy to the
most unsuspecting wine aficionado!

Every day presents a new opportunity to be the best we can be, enjoy,
embrace and be challenged. As Oprah says “Cheers to a new year and another
chance for us to get it right”. We’re with you Oprah, live, learn and live
what you learn!

Healthy living, from the plate to the glass to the strong and sexy body!EMERGE Lifestyle and Fitness.

This healthy, speedy BBQ dish, dishes up huge flavour and packs a punch with secret ingredient that keeps you young! Personal trainer and guru Darrin Robinson of EMERGE Lifestyle grills up a super dish that includes a glass of wine too… a skinny wine that delivers big on taste, little in calories!

Personal trainer and guru Darrin Robinson of EMERGE Lifestyle grills up a super dish that includes a glass of wine too

Personal trainer and guru Darrin Robinson of EMERGE Lifestyle grills up a super dish that includes a glass of wine too.

On this week’s radio show…
Healthy living, from the plate to the glass to the strong and sexy body!

BRAND NEW SHOWS every Monday at 10:00 am and Wednesday at 2:00 pm
or listen ON DEMAND on line anytime.

On this weeks radio show “getting the skinny” on skinny low cal wines. A huge trend we are seeing these days.We’ll be chatting with  brand manager Sarah  Ripley for Skinny Grape wines, plus getting the dish on delish healthy recipes with Personal trainer, Performance Nutrition Specialist and Chef, Darrin Robinson.

Darrin is our personal trainer and founder of EMERGE Lifestyle and Fitness Training who says,thank -god,yes, to a glass of wine is  A-OK from time to time.

And also joining the three of us, in the 2nd half of the show Michael Ryan Thibodeau, Michael is the CEO of Fitness STAR International an incredible fitness oriented organization that also hosts competitions for all ages!  Of which Darrin is the Head Judge and Vice President.

And finally in our last segment, calling in from California, we focus back on the grape. Paul Novak, CEO of the company WholeVine, where the pomace is turned into an array of golden nutritional foods…hmm hmm… .BE sure to stay with us, so much coming up this hour.

Canada’s first low calorie wine is here

It’s bursting with flavour that’s nothing short of fabulous! At only 80 calories per glass (142 mL), you can really have it all! Available in 4 amazing varietals – Chardonnay,Shiraz, Pinot Grigio and Rosé. These low-calorie wines pair beautifully with your favourite foods and still fit perfectly into health and calorie conscious lifestyles. Now you can have your cake, and a glass of wine too!

WholeVineTM Culinary Grapeseed Oil

Don’t confuse our oils with ones you’ve used in the past.

Welcome to a new kind of grape seed oil that we call our “culinary” oil because it imparts natural flavor character to your favorite dishes. All WholeVine grapeseed oils are crafted pure, so there’s no need for refining. Each has a distinguishable varietal character, in the same way that wine’s character can be distinguished by varietal.

Joining the three of us, in the 2nd half of the show Michael Ryan Thibodeau.

Michael is the CEO of Fitness STAR International an incredible fitness oriented organization that also hosts competitions for all ages!

Di Bernardino Pecorino 2013, Georgia’s Wine Pick.

Domaine Le Grand Retour Plan de Dieu 2011, Susanne’s Wine Pick.

Darrin Robinson

Can a bottle of wine shape your arms, just in time for summer?Our personal trainer says it can be done!

How can a bottle of wine shape your arms, just in time for summer? Our personal trainer says it can be done! Darrin Robinson of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness shows us how, check it out here.

Darrin says…no excuse for flabby arms and shoulders for summer.

If you don’t belong to a gym or own any weights, not to worry here’s an alternative that really works! 3 easy steps to supreme shoulders just in time for the halter dress! And for you guys out there get those delts going, nothing sexier than strong, shapely arms!

 For more great tips follow DARRIN @EmergeLifestyle on Twitter or Like him on FACEBOOK Fan Page

With Darrin Robinson

With Darrin Robinson

It is time to Emerge with Darrin…Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training. The Wine Ladies get in shape!


Darrin Robinson is the founder of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training located in our hometown of Oakville.

It is time to Emerge with Darrin…Reveal your bare arms for summertime!



Darrin says…no excuse for flabby arms and shoulders for summer. If you don’t belong to a gym or own any weights, not to worry here’s an alternative that really works! 3 easy steps to supreme shoulders just in time for the halter dress! And for you guys out there get those delts going, nothing sexier than strong, shapely arms!



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For a complete progress report on our journey please go to the bottom of this article.

With Darrin Robinson Day #1 Training begins! Our 90 day transformation.Check out the H2O in our signature wine glasses!

We love our job as “The Wine Ladies” and appreciate every day and all that it brings.  Fabulous, entertaining and interesting people and places, incredible wines and spirits and delicious and diverse foods from around the world…. all make up our daily diet for life!

Yes, we know… it’s a tough life…. but believe it or not, this amazing lifestyle definitely has a few major challenges too!  

The major snag in all of this is…. the challenge to maintain a healthy balance, an abundance of energy and a healthy body!  A fit strong body with enough lean body mass to allow us to indulge in all of the above.

The last couple of years have definitely become more of a struggle. We recognized that we needed to take some kind of action but what? And that’s where Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training comes in… and so does super personal trainer/nutritionist and author/ Darrin Robinson.

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Darrin Robinson is the founder of Emerge Lifestyle and Fitness Training located in our hometown of Oakville.

A quick visit to his studio, a thirty minute chat and learning Darrin’s philosophy that we “can bid adieu to our treadmill and stair master”…is all we needed. “We are in, when do we get started?” 

Oh and the testimonials and before and after posters of a few of his clients…. well those helped too.

Our individual food plan… key is planning ahead!

In a nutshell, Darrin says “the goal is to achieve a certain level of fitness, a reasonable percentage of lean body mass that will allow you to indulge guilt-free, in whatever strikes your fancy whether it be in a glass or on a plate… or both!

Read more