On this week’s radio show…International Woman’s Day 2016

International Women’s Day, Santa Rita Winery, Chile.
On this week’s radio show...Celebrate International Woman’s Day 2016 with us!
We have a fantastic show for you today all in Celebration of International Women’s Day 2016. International Women’s Day was officially launched in 1911. Today over 100 years later IWD is celebrated around the world with 1000’s of events honouring women everywhere for their various achievements.
We want to be a part of that too and so today we’re going to welcome three fantastic ladies to the show. Each lady bringing something unique and different to the table. From Royalty, yes as in the Royal Highness Prince William and Prince Harry. You won’t want to miss that! To a pioneering, award winning winemaker and to a very special brand of wine specifically designed for us ladies!
Carolyn has many exciting tales to tell of her time in Kensington Palace.
She will share some of her special recipes suited for special occasions available in her new cookbook,THE ROYAL TOUCH; Simply Stunning Home Cooking From a Royal Chef.
A woman of so many accomplishments, she is also a triathlon athlete, single mom and more. Carolyn personifies International Woman’s Day.
Listen to Carolyn Robb at 6:30 minutes into the show.
Next we will welcome from a business that has traditionally been male dominated.
A pioneer in this field, she has definitely helped pave the way for her fellow female colleagues. We are talking about the role of head winemaker for one of the most prominent and historic wineries in the wine growing country of Chile, an award winning winemaker, she is Cecilia Torres Salinas of Vina Santa Rita.
Listen to Cecilia Torres Salinas at 17:20 minutes into the show.
And then to close the show, we will welcome Allison Modesto, Brand Manager for one of the most successful wine brands to hit our market, targeted to none other than us ladies!
The wines are Girls Night Out, knocking it out of the ball park, produced locally here in the Lake Erie North Shore wine region, Allison will share with us the philosophy behind the brand, and what GNO is up to with respect to helping women advance in the wine business.
Listen to Allison Modesto at 33:60 minutes into the show.
We attended an outstanding event, The Dinner Party, a few days before the official International Woman’s Day, a fundraiser for SAVIS and CSAW. The main speaker of the evening was Sally Armstrong, the acclaimed reporter and columnist who delivered a powerful, profound speech about the status of women around the world.
She has written a book Ascent By Women.
Sally Armstrong spoke about about women’s issues in Afghanistan, a rape case brought by 160 young girls in Kenya and the need for personal willpower for change. Over 900 attendees at #thedinnerpartyiwd

We have come a long way baby in the wine industry and beyond. Let’s celebrate how far we have come! Scene from the film Suffragette starring Meryl Streep.
Although much progress has been made in the world, we still have along way to go baby! Happy International Woman’s Day everyone!

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