Chef Tony Ferreria joins us with “3 way corn” all made on Himalayan Salt Stones of My Gourmet Cooking

Chef Tony Ferreria joins us with “3 way corn”. All cooked using Himalayan Salt Stones.
Our next guest Chef Tony Ferreria joins us with “3 way corn”. Three (3) amazing recipes all using fresh corn on the cob as the key ingredient. Unique how, you might ask? All cooked using Himalayan Salt Stones, a very versatile and healthy way to cook, grill or even bake. Chef Tony, is the Regional Sales Manager for My Gourmet and a regular guest on the show. We can’t wait to see what he has come up with for us today using our fave corn on the cob!

Himalayan Salt Stones by My Gourmet.

Home Hardware, Himalayan Salt Stones.
On this week’s radio show…
Celebrating local summer bounty and bubbly and masterly crafted small batch spirits!
We are in the month of August, the middle of summer and as lovers of food, great food, wine and drink… like most everybody, one our most favorite things about the summer is all the fresh, amazing local produce we get to enjoy here in Ontario.
And so today’s show is all about celebrating our summer and our fresh, local bounty with a few knock out recipes, a very unique and special bubbly, and some local small batch masterly crafted spirits and cocktails.