Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Nov 19th, 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Nov 19th, 2013

All white wines are not created equal when it comes to colour. What are some of the factors that are responsible for the range of hues from a very light straw colour to deep amber?

1. The temperatureat which the wine is being served

2.  Aging in wood

3.  The grape variety

4.  2 & 3

5.  1 & 2

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For highlights of The Wine Ladies TV in PERU and our discovery of the PISCO trail.

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Monday, Nov 18th, 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Asti, Spumante, Asti Spumante… a place, a grape, a wine? Which of the following are true?

1. Asti Spumante is a region in southern Italy

2. Asti Spumante is a sparkling wine which must come from the region of Asti.

3. Asti Spumante is the name of a grape

4. Asti Spumante is a sweet sparkling wine that is made in many wine regions around the world

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday, Nov 14th , 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Pisco, the national drink of Peru can be made from 8 specific grapes only, select the permitted  grape combination;

1. Torontel, Abilla, Grenache, Quebranta

2. Torontel, Italia, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay

3. Italia, Quebranta, Albilla, Italia

4. Torontel, Uvina, Grenache, Quebranta

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Highlights of our recent trip to Peru and the discovery of PISCO!


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday,Nov 13th , 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

What is grape pomace?

1. Grape pomace is a by-product of the winemaking process, it is the mass of skins, pulp and seeds left over from the winemaking process.

2. Grape pomace is used to produce Grappa

3. Grape pomace is used exclusively to make Eau de Vie

4. 1&2 are correct



Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Nov 12th , 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Many a celebrity and politician are getting into the world of wine, which of the following own their own vineyards?

1. Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader

2. Nancy Regan

3. Bob Dylan

4. Clinton Vineyards produces the "Victory White" wine, a label first introduced in 1992. Bill and Hillary Clinton





Penfolds, Australia's Most Famous Wine

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Monday,Nov 11th , 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Penfolds Grange is

1. An iconic and much coveted wine from Australia, listed as a Heritage Icon by the National Trust of South Australia.

2. The Grange style is the original and most powerful expression of Penfolds multi-vineyard, multi-district philosophy.

3. Penfolds Grange is made with a variety of grape varieties including signature grape Shiraz

4. 1 & 2 are correct.


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Friday, Nov 8th, 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Does the size of the wine bottle affect the aging of the wine?

1. Yes, in smaller bottles the life of the wine is marginally extended.

2. No, it is only the vintage and the wine itself that determines the wines aging potential.

3. Yes, since wine ages through oxidation and larger bottles have less oxygen relative to the volume of wine, the wine oxidizes more slowly.

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday, Nov 7th, 2013 1

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Climate change is affecting the wine industry in many ways which include;

SORRY! The answer is #4. All of the above. PLEASE TRY AGAIN TOMORROW!


1. Southern England is now warm enough to grow the same grapes as Champagne (Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier) producing some very good sparkling wines. 15%

2. The wine grape growing belt is typically considered to be approximately 30-50 degrees north and south of the equator, however now vineyards are being planted closer and closer to the poles from Chile to Sweden. 15%

3. Climate change has given some innovative wineries reason enough to begin experimentation with plantings of new or different varietals in established vineyard sites. 15%

4. All of the above 55%


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday, Nov 6th, 2013 1

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Canada is considered a new world wine growing country. Which statements best define Canada's wine industry?

SORRY! The answer is  #2 Canada has approximately 600 wineries, spread across the entire country, with producers in every province. Please try again tomorrow!

1. Canada has close to 200 wineries with the majority of them located in Ontario and Quebec. 20%

2. Canada has approximately 600 wineries, spread across the entire country, with producers in every province. 40%

3. Ontario and British Columbia combined make up the same number of wineries in Quebec. 20%

4. The province of Quebec where temperatures dip as low as minus 35 Celsius, is known for their icewines. 20%

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday, Nov 6th, 2013 1

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Canada is considered a new world wine growing country. Which statements best define Canada's wine industry?

SORRY! The answer is  #2 Canada has approximately 600 wineries, spread across the entire country, with producers in every province. Please try again tomorrow!

1. Canada has close to 200 wineries with the majority of them located in Ontario and Quebec. 20%

2. Canada has approximately 600 wineries, spread across the entire country, with producers in every province. 40%

3. Ontario and British Columbia combined make up the same number of wineries in Quebec. 20%

4. The province of Quebec where temperatures dip as low as minus 35 Celsius, is known for their icewines. 20%