Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 19th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 19th 2013

When and/or for who was the Manhattan cocktail invented?

1. Winston Churchill's mother.

2. The 17th President of the United States Ulysses Grant nominated in 1868.

3. In 1873 after the stock market crashed and set off one of the financial panics of the 19th century.

4. None of the above

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Dec 17th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Dec 17th 2013

What is the Medoc Marathon?

1. The longest marathon in the world at 26 miles and 385 yards

2. It is a marathon about gastronomy, wine and fun

3. Each year there is a theme, whether the circus or other but there are always thousands of costumes from pirates, to cats, even Elvis’

4. All of the above

5. None of the above

BRIX, Chocolate

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Monday,Dec 16th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Monday,Dec 16th 2013

What is brix?

1. Brix is the name of a chocolate

2. Brix is a measurement of approximate grape sugars in the grape juice or must

3. Brix and oechsle achieve the same goal

4. All of the above

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 12th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 12th 2013

What do the three following wineries share in common? Marynissen, Lang Vineyards, Alvento Winery

1. They are all located in Ontario, Canada

2. They are all foreign owned/invested by Chinese companies

3. They have all been awarded the Grape King award in the last ten years

4. They are all known for their Bordeaux blends

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday,Dec 11th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday,Dec 11th 2013

Grenache is a grape that…

1. grows most predominantly in Italy

2. is common in three colours; Grenache Noir, Grenache Blanc and Grenache Gris

3. is used in Bordeaux wines

4. is not permitted to be used in Chateauneuf-du-Pape


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Dec 10th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Tuesday,Dec 10th 2013

When might you find an ah-so convenient to have on hand?

1. When you have a bottle of wine to open which has a brittle cork.

2. When there are stubborn marks/stains on your stemware

3. When you would like to aerate an individual glass of wine

4. When you need to recork your bottle


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 5th 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!


Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Dec 5th 2013

"Controliran" is the equivalent to France's "appellation d'origen controlee" for which wine growing region?


1. Iran

2. Bulgaria

3. Turkey

4. Republic of Georgia


CLICK here to view highlights!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday,Dec 4th, 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Wednesday,Dec 4th, 2013

Wines made from the native grape "rkatsiteli" (now that is a mouthful….as is the grape) of the Republic of Georgia are fermented in a clay pot buried in the ground. The clay pots are called

1. qveri

2. amphorae

3. both

4. none of the above

CLICK here to view highlights!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Friday,Nov 22nd , 2013

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Friday,Nov 22nd , 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!


67.Wines made from the native grape "rkatsiteli" (now that is a mouthful….as is the grape) of the Republic of Georgia are fermented in a clay pot buried in the ground. The clay pots are called


1. qveri

2. amphorae

3. both

4. none of the above


Answer: 1 

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday, Nov 21st, 2013

For wine lovers, wine fanatics, wine novices and oenophiles, you too can learn quirky, shareable facts about reds, whites, and more. Simply select your answer. Test your wine knowledge!

Quiz! Daily Wine Trivia Game from The Wine Ladies – Thursday,Nov 21st, 2013

Which of the following DO NOT describe Beaujolais Nouveau?

1. Beaujolais Nouveau is a wine that belongs to the category "vins primeur" meaning any wine sold in the year the grapes were harvested.

2. Beaujolais Nouveau, comes from Beaujolais which is a part of Burgundy, a province of Eastern France famous for their red and white wines produced mainly with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay

3. Beaujolais Nouveau is a new wine that is partially fermented, therefore a little on the sweeter side, released every year in November.

4. Beaujolais Nouveau's fame is in great part due to well respected winemaker Georges Duboeuf who created "the event"  now celebrated around the world in the late sixties.

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